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Welcome to Jan Hurst-Nicholson's books


Please come in and kindly close the door on account of the air-conditioning.


You are invited to take a seat while you browse through my offerings.


I have a selection of both print and e-books, and even a few books that you can read pre-publication.


There is something for all ages, from children’s books to young adult, and also books for grown-ups ('adult books' seem to have taken on another, more graphic, meaning).


If you glance to your left you will find a list of titles and genres.


Those who enjoy British humour might like to try a taste of But Can You Drink The Water?  or take a quick flip through Something to Read on the Plane.


If you have young children or grandchildren you will have fun reading the Leon Chameleon PI series , or if you want an African story try Bheki and the Magic Light.  If you know of a left-handed child you might like to take a look at The Race (an inspiring story for left-handers)


Are you are a fan of the Hardy Boys? Then Mystery at Ocean Drive might appeal.


Perhaps you enjoy family sagas. If so, give  The Breadwinners   a try.


Do fireside tales appeal to you? Then have a look at I Made These Up (short stories for the fireside)  


Perhaps you are in the mood for a feel-good story  - then indulge yourself With the Headmaster's Approval


Nervous about speaking in public? Then this book could change your life. PUBLIC SPEAKING - Banish the Butterflies: Practical bite-sized techniques and fun anecdotes to put you at ease in any public speaking situation.


Ever wondered what it’s like to be a writer? A Writer’s Day and The Writers’ Workshop will reveal all the secrets.


Want a really quick read? Then try my Drabbles

 Visit my Amazon author page


Coffee and doughnuts will be served at 11 am, but please try not to spill anything on the books, or put sticky fingerprints on the pages. We have CCTV.

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